

January 2020


A BIG Shift to Life As You Know It…

You have likely noticed that things are a little chaotic on planet Earth these days. Folks in many countries are marching in protests, filling the streets, and voicing their discontent. Australia is on fire and Southeast Asia and South Africa are drowning in floods. The president of the United States has been impeached. He has also ordered the assassination of an Iranian general, which has thousands of people really upset. Soldiers are moving to the Middle East and the Chinese, Russian, and Iranian navies are having "practice sorties."

Actively turn your attention away from the chaos. Don't look at it. Don't think about it. Energy follows thought. You feed the horrors and worries and fears with your attention. Choose to focus on what you DO want in your life instead. This is how you master that monkey mind. This is how you create the life you choose instead of allowing your world to be controlled by your television or social media or random government agents.

If you have a hard time turning your attention away from the screaming craziness, step out of the fray and find a quiet spot. Indoors or out, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you have the support of all four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.

Air can be activated by stepping outside for a breather or by lighting a stick of incense. It can be activated by hearing a bird's song or the soft tinkling of a wind chime. If all else fails, you can whistle or hum random notes so your ears hear something that is safe.

Earth can be activated by taking off your shoes and connecting your feet to the dirt or grass - not cement or asphalt. It can be activated by fingering a crystal or sprinkling salt at your door. If all else fails, gardening is a strong soul soother. While it is Winter, there are preparatory garden chores that need to be done.

Fire can be activated by lighting a candle or your fireplace. Even a video of a fire will work (https://youtu.be/ZY3J3Y_OU0w). If all else fails, go to the stove and turn on a burner. Make tea.

Water can be activated by being near a body of water. This includes a lake, a pool, and even a dish of water that sits with a flower and some stones in it. Even a video of the ocean will work (https://youtu.be/zqY1ZE8pr1w).

When you have the four elements activated in your space, you have the support of the four archangels: Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. You activate the cardinal directions: North, East, South, and West. They will strengthen every bit of you as you intentionally take control of where you are and what you think.

The planets and stars are going to do what they are doing, regardless of your panic or serenity. Yes, scary things are happening. But the sky is NOT FALLING. You are OK. You have always been OK. You will be OK tomorrow. Breathe. Stay in your calm center and call the shots. Take the reins. Control your mind and control your response to what happens. This too shall pass and you won't have to wish you had not been screaming like Chicken Little making things harder than they had to be. You never regret being quiet, calm, and centered. Focus on that. The rest will flow anyway.


Feng Shui Workshops:
The Dance of the Celestial Animals

The Dance of the Celestial Animals Feng Shui Workshop series will begin on January 12th with Winter's Black Tortoise Water energy and its deep sleep for transformation. By the first days of February, the frozen waters begin to flow, in varying degrees according to your proximity to the North Pole.

We will explore how to use the energies of the season to your benefit. Learn the qualities of the zodiac, the twelve energies that oversee the entire year, and use them to time your events, meetings, and business promotions.

Cardinal, fixed, and mutable energies for each of the Celestial Animals are identified for every day in my Feng Shui & Moon Magic Calendar. (Available on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks) Make sure Time is on your side by mastering The Dance of the Celestial Animals.

Join me live in Bellaire, Texas or online from wherever you are, Sunday, January 12th, from 1:30-3PM and tango with Time and the Celestial Animals. Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop and the Wheel of the Year Practical Magic Workshop of January 26th, and save 10%.

We will explore the traditional rituals of Winter and create ideas for new personal celebrations. Discover how to prepare for and celebrate Imbolc, the earliest evidence of Spring's arrival. Fill your life and your altar with the baby animals and flowers and beauty of Nature as you bring home the magic. Honor the Wheel of the Year as it turns to restore the goddess. Distance learners need a plain white prayer candle and glue for our witchy-crafting project.

Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience.

Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Those who attend live have their materials provided. I send those who attend online a list of materials to gather before the workshop. Register at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops or http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.

More information here

Want More Feng Shui & Moon Magic?

If you want more Feng Shui & Moon Magic fun, the original books are available on Amazon. Feng Shui & Moon Magic and the Feng Shui & Moon Magic MMXX Planning Calendar are both only $25. GREAT gifts for starting your magical life. Find them and all my books on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks

AND all twelve of the 2019 Feng Shui & Moon Magic Workshops are available from my library at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html


How to visualize a nice slow soaking rain...

Imagine for a few moments that you are standing outside, barefoot, and you feel a few cold wet drops of water fall on you. And then more. And then more. It's raining! Look up at the sky and feel the rain bathe your face. Smell the rain. Taste the rain. Listen to the drops hit the leaves around you. Smile and laugh in joy over the rain. Feel the dirt under your feet turn to mud and splash in the rain like a little kid or a pup just discovering that water reacts to pouncing. See the water falling and pooling. Thrill to the relief from the heat. Feel appreciation for the rain's revitalization and refreshment. Joyfully thank the rain and say aloud, "…and so it is." Then return to your normal life and affairs.

Doing this will open the quantum field to the feeling of the rain for you and for others. Please do this instead of focusing on the fire. Focus on what you DO want. What you feed your attention to will get larger.

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Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:
Black Tortoise Firebolts

Green Dragon trees rooted in Black Tortoise Water energy at the front center of a place sometimes attract lightning. When trees survive the strike, the energy drains deep into Cicada’s ground, connecting Sky to Earth. This is an extremely auspicious place!

Trees struck by lightning may or may not survive. An average bolt of lightning, striking from cloud to ground, contains roughly one billion (1,000,000,000) joules of energy. Lightning generates temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun, in excess of 20,000 degrees Celsius, a temperature that is otherwise unrelatable in our human experience. When lightning hits a tree, the water in the cells beneath the bark instantly boils from the extreme heat, and the steam explodes. Sometimes the tree is shattered. Sometimes the tree burns from within.

When there is a continuous groove or streak running down a surviving tree where the bark was blown off, there is a mark of the ability to withstand a tremendous influx of energy. This reveals to the person who is aware that here is a tree, a living organism, which was touched by more power than humans can imagine, and survived to stand still strong. This is the mark of a sacred site. Here is what the Native Americans called one of the Spots of the Fawn.

To learn lots more about sacred sites and how you can create them, attend my new workshop, Sacred Geometry & Geomancy. This training is presented online, is live and instructor-led, and is delivered over six consecutive Saturday afternoons, from 4-5:30 Central. For more information or to register, please visit bit.ly/TKSacredGeometry. As a subscriber to this blog, you qualify for the discounted Tomorrow’s Key student tuition!


Want More Feng Shui Fun?

We are currently studying the Dance of the Celestial Animals, exploring how the Green Dragon, Red Phoenix, Golden Cicada, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise tango together. Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.


Imagine Accessing Divine Guidance at Will…

There are reasons certain places make you want to be still and be quiet…

You have been to places where you have stopped and looked around and known - KNOWN - there was more to the place than the seen.

These situations are not your imagination. They are your instinctive recognition of energy at multiple levels.

You may feel this in an old church… or not. You may encounter these feelings in natural environments such as tree groves or mountain glades, but not in all tree groves or mountain glades.

What is it that makes a place into a living temple?

It is the intentional blending of Sacred Geometry & Geomancy. Geometry and Geomancy are the languages of the Divine. When you speak this language, you grasp more meaning than you can with mere words. When you combine them, knowing what you're doing, you build your own living temple: a place with conscious awareness and open lines of communication to the Divine.

Here there is a steady flow of radiant grace. Why not access Divine Guidance at will?

Learn to build your own – whether in your backyard, your spare bedroom, or on a tabletop in your office – and raise the frequencies of all you do to align with the Divine Plan. Experience the Divine Difference!

This workshop is instructor-led, live, online in six 90-minute sessions on Saturday afternoons from 4 to 5:30 Central. It includes a book and worksheets to help you design your own sacred space. All sessions are video recorded in case you have to miss one. The class is valid for 9 HSW Learning Units for members of the American Institute of Architects and interior designers.

Start 2020 at a higher turn of the spiral. Workshop begins Saturday, January 18th and continues to February 22nd. For more information and to register, please visit bit.ly/TKSacredGeometry


The Mysteries Revealed

Curious about all the history, mystery, and magic you see me playing with every day? Come have lunch with me on Fridays and I'll tell you about all these things you're curious about. There are NO PREREQUISITES to this learning. Right now we are exploring Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled: Theology - so we are studying all the history and mysteries about all the religions. This includes church miracles, sorcery, pagan beliefs, gods and goddesses of myths, the mysteries of the Gnostics, the meaning of the alpha and the omega, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, secret Masonic ciphers, the zodiac, the devil, magic, and much more!

Join me online, on Fridays for lunch and I will tell you stories about your own world. You will be amazed at how what we study pops up in your daily life. Only $60/month. All materials delivered as PDFs. Register at bit.ly/TKMysteries


Crystals are treasured fruit of the Earth. They come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. And each different crystal and gemstone brings with them their own special beauty and powers, much as each different fruit brings with them their own special flavors and nutrients.

While it may appear that crystals are just inanimate chunks of matter, they are, in fact, conscious and aware. Their timeline is vastly slower than yours. Their lives are much longer than human lives. But, in alignment with the scientific requirements of aliveness, they grow, they eat, and they procreate. They even die (usually by disintegration).

Three different ways to clear crystals

Whenever you acquire a new crystal, unless you dig it out of the Earth yourself, you will want to clear its energy. Use #1 for soft stones like opals, malachite, etc.

1) Smudge them with a sage wand, speaking blessings and welcome as you do.

2) Bury them in the ground or in a bowl of salt. Leave for 24 hours. Rinse.

3) Place them in a glass or ceramic dish. Cover them with spring water. Sprinkle with sea salt. Leave in sunlight and moonlight for 24-hours. Rinse. NOTE: Some soft stones should not be placed in water and some silvering should not be sprinkled with salt.

Getting to Know Your Crystal

Not all rocks are “as hard as a rock.” The Mohs Scale (see chart below) of mineral hardness is based on the ability of one natural sample of mineral to scratch another mineral visibly.

If you carry a softer stone with a harder stone, the harder stone will mark or even break the softer stones. Knowing this, should you have a stone with sharp points, keep it stored with other stones like it, or keep it stored alone, so that the softer stones remain intact too.

An easier way to identify your crystal’s level of hardness is to try to scratch it with other objects. Your fingernail has a hardness of 2.5, a penny has a hardness of about 3.5, and both glass and a steel nail have nearly equal hardnesses of 5.5.

After you have evaluated the hardness, sniff your stone. It won’t just smell like dirt. There may be traces of petroleum or coal-based scents. Touch the tip of your tongue to a washed stone to test for saltiness.

Rub the stone with the pad of your thumb while holding it up next to your ear. Different surfaces will make different sounds when rubbed. Absolutely smooth stones will make no sound. Do you feel you want to hold it or to put it down? Is it lighter or heavier than you expected it to be or just about what you thought?

Next, identify the colors and markings in your stone. What is its predominant color? What do the colors remind you of? Are there any shapes in its markings? What do they seem to be shaped like? Hold the stone in your left hand and place your closed hand over your heart. Can you identify a feeling about the stone? Hold it against the spot on your forehead between your eyebrows. Can you see it in your mind’s eye? What does the stone want you to know about it?

You may want to take a photo of your stone and keep an album to remember which stones you have. If you do, keep some notes with each photo, including where you got the stone, any sensory data you discovered, and any intuitive knowing you may experience as you handle it.


Order the rest of this workshop and its recording - as well as many others - at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagic/workshops.html


Train as a Professional with a Professional…

Whether you wish to establish your own practice as a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, enhance a career in Real Estate or Interior Design, or create the environment that supports your life and dreams, Tomorrow's Key Professional Training Program ensures your strong foundation for the future. You step out day one of training as a Professional Feng Shui Practitioner, performing Tibetan transcendental energy shifts for both residential and commercial clients at my side, with full back up as you get your balance.

Give yourself the gift of the wisdom you need to take 100% control of your environment! Register today for the next training session, January 27-31, or, enjoy training days according to your calendar. Call today to set up your own week of training!

You receive an extensive Professional Feng Shui Practitioner Resource Guide that will back you up as you go forward because you will have all the notes for future reference. The very first day of training you will begin using divination through the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, to know more about what you're stepping into than your senses can tell you. You learn to explore and impact environmental energy in physical and metaphysical frequencies using your hands, tuning forks, and intuitive knowing.

There are intermediate and advanced workshops to grow into, as well as a daily blog to keep your wisdom fresh every day. For much more information, please visit my website at bit.ly/ProFSTraining or call 713-952-5429.


There came a time in my 40s when I didn't look in the mirror any more. The person I saw reflected there wasn't me. I didn't really know who she was, but she was on her own in a world she had created herself. And she was awfully lonely surrounded by all sorts of people she really loved. It was awful. I eventually realized that I missed me.

I stopped one day as I finished brushing my teeth and looked myself in the eye. It wasn't easy at first. In trying to please everyone else, in attempting to take care of everyone around me - husband, children, family, friends, neighbors, clients, animals, AND the house AND my business - I had betrayed myself. I had not taken care of me.

I began the long journey back to me by myself. There were no guides. No others saying they had experienced the same loss. So with a fierce determination, and an incredible amount of faith and hope, I set out to get back to me.

It took almost 7 years for me to find my way. But I did it. AND I created a workshop so that YOU can get back to yourself in six months or less…GUARANTEED.

The Art of Living Your Life begins a new session on Thursday, January 16th, online, from 7:30-9PM Central. All sessions are recorded in case you need to miss one. Tuition is $60/mo. By Summer, you will literally be living the life you've always dreamed of. Ready to get going?

If you miss you… If you dream of coming back to yourself… This workshop is for you. Register today at bit.ly/TKArtOfLiving



Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429